July-August 1999

Our journey into Morocco was very
successful.  Jeanne James met this Berber boy's family in an Atlas Mountain village.  He had an infected skin lesion on his chin that we were able to treat.

This guy needs the services of a good dentist.  In Marrakech, the "dentists" display hundreds of pulled teeth on tables along the sidewalk -
evidence of their "skills."  We need volunteer dentists to come work with our teams.

Dr. James met with plastic surgeon Dr.
Abdellatif Aboufirass, chief of Polyclinique Du Sud (hospital) in Marrakech.  He donates free operations that correct deformities like cleft palate.  He asked us for help.

In Casablanca, we met with the president of Partenaires Internationaux, a French humanitarian organization.  We are working on
details for posssibly partnering on projects.  We also attended a 4-day conference and learned more about N. African cultures.

The Children's H.E.L.P. organization is searching for candidates to "adopt" into our
Education and Leadership Training
Programs.  These young men and women will learn skills that will enable them to
lead their next generation.

Isn't there something you can do to help us help these kids?  Just a little bit goes a long way in Morocco.  Food is fairly affordable, but medical care and pharmaceuticals are far too
expensive for these kids' families to afford. We need donors to partner with us.  Please read the Support section.